Book review: 'Precious Souls' is soul binding

What goes into the making of a man? His surroundings and the people residing in it. Precious Souls is an opus to the beautiful minds of many Diwakars, Sushmithas and Abubhavs who till now led a life of ignominy, but are gradually gaining the confidence of narrating their stories to the world in their own unique ways. The author, Dr Anantha Krishnan M lives their journeys in a mellifluous manner, but its not their journeys alone, the path has been equally tedious and cumbersome for the parents of these special children. Their small sacrifices and immense patience have worked wonders on these young minds, which in turn nurtures them into individuals.

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The narrative is direct, simple yet emotional, taking the readers to a world unknown to them. A world, which too has the qualities of any other world, embalmed in music and painted with similar colours. These children are "God's Gifts", as the author puts it, having unique skills in music, literature and art. But what catches the eye is the SPIRIT!

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