There is a lot of excitement here in the capital city of Uttarakhand, vis-à-vis, prime minister Narendra Modi’s recent speech at Kaithal in Haryana, wherein he said that his government will take tough measures to eliminate the menace of corruption “which had become more dangerous than cancer” in the country. And as hands go up in fervent prayer and hope that the Prime Minister starts from this small hill state, which has become the epitome of corruption, even surpassing Bihar at its notorious worst some years back, the aam aadmi is fighting, albeit in a futile manner, without any relief in sight, as he has to cough out hard earned money at every step to appease the babudom. Why blame the aam addmi for pointing fingers at the babudom of the state which neither moves nor makes files move without a reason (the reason being well known), when a minister in the state government has recently minced no words to say that the government should make serious efforts at plugging the leak...