Questions??? Questions and Only Questions

There are so many of the questions which are always running in my mind. What is the position of a girl in her house? Why does she always need help form others?? Why she cant be free of taking any decisions regarding herself, her life or any other thing?? Why  she is always dependant  on family members?? It is really necessary that a girl has her own value to be a girl. Why there is a difference in the mother's love regarding all her children. Is this true that a mother's love is also partially divided among her children. It may be possible that it is only my opinion. Others have a different opinion about this topic. There are so many of the confusions which are running in my mind and I am unable to solve all these questions. Why there is a difference between a baby boy and a baby girl???

Although we are living in  a very very dominated and developed era still the thinking about the girl is as same as it was in the earlier time . It does not matter there is a female who has a designation of President, Prime Minister and Chief Minister...these are the most respectable and valuable post of the country and it really feels great having this type of designation, but still the thoughts about the girl do not have any change ... A girl always needs a protection in this era which has no words to say....
It is only our mind that we do not value the things which are around us.. We only come to know the value when it will become so far from us...then we know what we have lost .... Be aware people ..lest you will lost the most beautiful creation of the GOD.. a girl who makes a home- A HOME.

No doubt man and  woman are the two phases of a single coin. But always have a different opinion .. 


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