What an AAP supporter thinks; an open letter to Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal

Let me first congratulate you for completing 100 days in office. This definitely is a milestone for your government. To be very honest, I was skeptical whether I would even see this day or not, thanks to your 49-day debacle last time. However, I have some issues relating to you and your government, which I think you need to focus on. As an aam aadmi (or aurat in my case) I have been an admirer of AAP from Day 1. I still remember how you gauged my attention when you first stepped into politics.

And bam! You shocked not just me but everybody in the country when AAP formed the government in coalition with Congress. You made a dozen of promises and kept some of them which even strengthened my faith in your party. But alas! My happiness was short lived and so was your stint as a chief minister. Greed for power ruined AAP The biggest mistake according to me was when you stepped down as the CM in Feb 2014. 

Just when the people of Delhi needed you, you left them in the lurch and set your sight on the Lok Sabha elections.It made me feel that you were greedy for power. I, however, have to appreciate the gusto that you showed while contesting the Lok Sabha elections against BJP heavyweight Narendra Modi. I wasn't surprised when you lost the election to Mr Modi from Varanasi. The Modi wave was too much for you to handle. First of all you were grappling with your Delhi debacle, on top of that you were surrounded by controversies, where was the time for you to focus on your goals. 

Anyway, post the Lok Sabha loss I thought that you would look back and retrospect into what went wrong and you did. You agreed that stepping down as the CM was your biggest mistake. You said that you should've concentrated first on Delhi and then on contesting elections nationally, which again made me think 'okay you agree to your mistake and things will improve from now on.' Delhi assembly elections- round 2 In the meantime, it was time for another round of elections in Delhi. This time I was in two minds; whether to support you or not. Still somewhere I thought that you and AAP should be given another chance.

 I was quite confident that you would pull off another win and I was not wrong! You came back to power and won with a majority that baffled everybody. While there were many who secretly prayed for your failure, the people of Delhi showed that you could be trusted and voted for your party with a huge majority. You were again sworn in as the chief minister of Delhi exactly a year after you resigned and what a proud moment it was for all AAP fans. However shortly after your swearing-in the controversies were back to hound you and your party. This time it really got ugly.


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