Obama bids 'Goodbye' to India: Highlights of US President's address to India

New Delhi, Jan 27: Addressing a gathering of about 2,000 students at the Siri Fort auditorium on Tuesday, US President Barack Obama said things which made the youngsters of India very happy. From starting the address in a traditional 'Namaste' to quoting popular Bollywood dialogue, the world's most powerful leader did all to connect with the Indian youth. Here are the major takeaways from the US President's address to the young students.

1. Beginning his speech with a 'Namaste', Obama expressed his gratitude and said, "Thank you so much for welcoming us back to India, 'Bahut Dhanyawaad'."

Key takeaways from Obama's address :
2. "India and US are not just natural partners but I believe America can be India's best partner. We want to be partner as you help improve the health of people from backwaters of Kerala to banks of Ganga. We want to invest more. You have built the largest middle class," he said. Relations between India-US can be one of the defining partnership.

 3. Talking about the success of 'Mars Orbiter Mission' he said, "We are one of the few nations who've been to both Moon and Mars."

 4. As India wants to build better infrastructure we want to be first in line. 5. In order to connect with the Indian youth, the US President quoted the most popular DDLJ dialogue. Making it more informal, Obama said, "Senorita..bade bade Desho mein... you know what I mean."

 6. Proposing a reformed Security Council with India as a permanent member Obama said, "A world without nuclear weapons, that should be the goal for us. It's your generation and children that will be affected. I'll be gone by the time global warming hits us."

 7. Talking about the women empowerment, which is the burning issue in the country, Obama said, nations are more successful when their women are successful. He appealed the youngsters to break the stereotypes and move ahead. "A nations progress is based on how they treat their women. Nations are more successful when the women are successful," said Obama.

 8. Praising the talented Indian youth Obama said, "Young Indians are going to shape not only India but the entire world."

 9. Speaking over the similarities that the US and India have Obama said, "One thing common between Indians and Americans is that they are the most hard working people."

 10. Obama added that he wants more American students coming to India than Indian students coming to America.

 11. Talking about speading the message of peace and communal harmony, the Nobel Laureate said, "Every person has the right to practice his faith without any persecution, fear or discrimination. India will succeed so long it is not splintered on religious lines." "We have to guard against any efforts to divide us on sectarian lines or any other thing," he further added.

 12. On the third and final day of his visit to India, Obama also said that America can be India's "best partner. I am the first US President to visit India twice. I promise I won't be the last.


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